09/08/23 | Minor Update - Battle of the Bank

Hey there, everyone!

Today… we battled the bank. After numerous reports through the beta and internal investigation, we’d come to the conclusion that the banking systems within Neox, courtesy of the several revision upgrades and overhauls since the conception of the project, were going to be among the final bosses of our launch checklist.

With issues such as bank tabs shuffling when you’d moved items within, to bank fillers not working correctly, to items with a set amount of charges losing said charge in certain circumstances, to being unable to correctly drag or reposition items, to items beyond a certain storage threshhold just outright not being recognized… there was an absolutely borderline insurmountable, behemoth amount of bugs within the system to which we can confidently say that though we’ve won the battle for today, the war is far from over.

To everyone who’s been staying involved within the project, and to those who’ve paid us little more than a glance, we wish you the very best of weekends and we can’t wait to share more with you all come next week.


Neox Staff